Project results
- CitizenComp
The Competence Frameworkof Future Citizens
The framework was built up based on a comprehensive data collection and analysis, including the following:
1. Analysis of the four existing and matching competence models (EntreComp, DigiComp, GreenComp and LifeComp) to understand each model and its components
and selecting the matching sub-competences/topics/keywords with the aim and definition of the FCC.
2. Search and analysis of the scientific papers to define key terms and give the evidence-based foundation for the whole model/framework.
All the data collected through the activities described above was analysed by the research team, using the study objectives and the framework of understanding as guidance.
- Capacity Building Programme
Deal with climate change, social exclusion, disinformation and other major challenges
Before playing the game, we suggest that you dedicate a certain amount of time to aligning on some contents, concepts and theories behind the game itself, especially if you are a teacher, trainer or facilitator.
For this purpose, we created a capacity building part which deals with climate change, social exclusion, disinformation and other major challenges of our present times.
We advice dedicating at least 2 hours to this part, which is anyway flexible and open to your integrations and adaptations, based on your needs.
- The Game
An urban adventure blending digital challenges
The Future Citizens game is an urban adventure blending digital challenges with real-world exploration.
It is the result of a co-design process started in October 2023 and ending in April 2025.
It can be played in groups of 3 to 6 players wearing the shoes of the Guardians of the Future who will travel to the year 3000 among ruins of a once-vibrant world.
Their role is to interact with people and places in an urban environment and carry out some missions to save the Civilizations of Ecotopia, Misinformia, Solitaria and Technotopia from collapse, led by the game master Ieropèo, an androgynous figure.